4 days in a villa in the middle of nowhere in Poland, only 2 hours away from Berlin. We moved together the whole day in guided sessions and in free trainings. Afterwards we could enjoy delicious vegetarian & vegan food (home cooked).
See all impressions in our YouTube video:
We were not so lucky with the weather (it rained one day completely through). And Oscar was sick, so the big soft acrobatics part we had planned was cancelled. But we realized once again how nice it is that movement training is so versatile! We improvised and adapted to the situation and in the end it was 4 wonderful days in nature with our community.
Topics at Movement Camp included:
- Basic movement training (Strength & Mobility & Structure). - Coordinations - Spinal Movements and Awareness - Partner work (Contact Improvisation, Push Hands) - Rhythm and Coordination (Dance, Footwork, Arm Swings) - Release Work (Stretching, Standing, Massage) - Free Training (Handstand, Slackline, Stick, Sword, Juggling, Dance, Capoeira)
It was a special few days, with old & new members of our community. We especially felt how much deeper we could go into topics. In addition, there were also many beautiful moments between the sessions and in the evenings, where we could all get to know each other better.
Here are a few snapshots from the camp:
If you want to participate in the next Movement Camp, sign up for our newsletter! There we will send all the info about the upcoming Movement Camps.